


I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me:我記得漆黑的天空下,佈滿的閃電圍繞著我

I remembered each flash as time began to blur:也記得每次閃電隨著歲月恍惚而過

Like a startling sign, that fate had finally found me:命中注定,最終還是無法逃過

And your voice was all I heard:我唯一聽見的是你的聲音

That I get what I deserve:一切都是我罪有應得

So give me reason, to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean:給我理由,來證明我是錯的,並洗淨我的記憶

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes:讓洪水自你眼中潰堤而出

Give me reason, to fill this hole connect the space between:給我理由,去填滿這個缺口,修補這個空隙

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies:給予真實力量,擊破那些謊言

Across this new divide:跨越這分界線

There was nothing in sight, but the memories left abandoned:眼前一望無際,記憶被遠遠放逐

There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow:身後無藏身之處,灰燼如雪花般落下

And the ground caved in between where we were standing:就在你我之間,大地應聲崩塌

And your voice was all I heard:我唯一聽見的是你的聲音

That I get what I deserve:一切都是我罪有應得

So give me reason, to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean:給我理由,來證明我是錯的,並洗淨我的記憶

Let the floods cross, the distance in your eyes:讓洪水自你眼中潰堤而出

Across this new divide:跨越這分界線

In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you deny:每一次分離,每一次謊言,每個你否認的真相

And each regret, and each goodbye, was a mistake to great to hide:每次反悔,每次分開,都是天大的錯誤

And your voice was all I heard:我唯一聽的見的是你的聲音

That I get what I deserve:一切都是我罪有應得

So give me reason, to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean:給我理由,來證明我是錯的,並洗淨我的記憶

Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes:讓洪水自你眼中潰堤而出

Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between:給我理由,去填滿這個缺口,修補這個空隙

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies:給予真實力量,擊破那些謊言

Across this new divide:跨越這分界線

Across this new divide:跨越這分界線

Across this new divide:跨越這分界線



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